Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Tips for Coping with online school, work and parenting

 Day 5 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge-Tips and Tricks. 

I am no expert but here we are again, online school, working at home and parenting while in another lockdown as well and I have gotten better at it. 

This is really not easy at all, at least not for me. I am someone who thrives on working hard and I get stressed out when I can't done what I want to do in the run of a work day. 

But since the pandemic, I have learned to let go. That I need to be flexible and that I also need to lean into my team more and delegate. So we all have done that at my workplace and it seems to be working well for now. 

It's hard to manage it all and at times, the parenting takes a back burner (rest assured when I'm in a meeting, the kids are arguing with each other). 

I am really fortunate. I have 2 independent kids who thrive on structure and online learning is good for them Their big complaint (and mine too) is that it's not long enough. So, we did a schedule. Morning is their online school which they dont need help with. During this time, I power though as much work as I possibly can. We all take recess together, fruit and water for them, fruit and coffee for me. 

then they go back online to do independent work that was assigned to them from their real teacher. 1/2 hour later, they do "Art". I give  them a project, craft, something to build out of lego or playdoh. 

Then we all break for lunch. After lunch, the read for 30 minutes. We have a ton of books because we all love to read, then 30 minutes of writing. I give them a journal prompt. 30 minutes of learning with either me or the husband (with me, it will be music, with him, tech stuff). Then they have to walk the dog (aka gym), and then they have a snack are done for the day. 

The afternoons will be worse for me on work productivity but as I said, I will try to get at much done as possible. 

Now, like I said, this seems to be working well for us and it may not work well for you. Just try your best to manage. There are days that I feel like i am not managing well at all, but on days like today, it seems to be going well. 

Hang in there. We will get through this and come out the other side different and hopefully stronger and better. 

Peace and Love, 

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