Tuesday 4 January 2022

Good Things Come in Fours

 Day 4 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge prompt it Good Things Come in Fours. 

Yesterday was rough for me (as you probably gathered from my blog post), but I allowed myself to feel all the feelings and now I have a better mindset to tackle the hybrid work from home, online learning, etc. 

So things that come in 4, tires - super important to get you where you need to go! But my fav thing that comes in fours is my family. 

I grew up in a family of four. and we were well-matched with each other, me with my dad's eyes and wit and my brother with my mom's quiet calmness. 

Now, my family is a family of four. My husband who is my calm to my crazy. K1 who is high-strung and my mini-me and K2 who is just like the husband. 

My four is truly a team and we work together to keep the house running. Yes K1 & K2 have chores that need to be done. 

Yesterday after the news of online, the 4 of us had a good talk about how each of us was feeling (me, stressed, him, resolved, K1 -bored, K2 -excited) and how we  can make the best of a bad situation. 

We ended the day with storm popcorn (because we forgot the chips), a game of Clue and then us taking individual time with the kids and tucking them in.  

We have spent  a lot of time together just the four of us during the past 2 years and, while I joke that I want 2 days to myself, I wouldnt change it. We have seen our girls grow and mature more than we thought they would. We have seen them enjoy parts of our province that we never would have seen. We have grown so much as a family and have grown closer. 

So while this pandemic sucks, I am glad for the time is has given my team of 4 more time to spend together, and that is something I would not change. 

Peace and Love, 


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